Pioneer Elite 16 by 10 Big Screen TVs, they made

Hi, remember Pioneer Elite made the 50 inch and 55 inch 16 by 10 Big screen TVs. Now most Big Screen TVs are either 16 by 9, or the regular 4.3. I like the 16 by 10 Big Screen TVs. Because you get a wide view, and height. On the 16 by 9 Big Screen Tvs, they can be to wide with not enough height. Here's my question. Let says you rent a DVD that has the 16 by 9 feature, where you can watch a movie that will cover the entire screen on a 16 by 9 TV. My question is, is there a way to make that 16 by 9 DVD movie, adjusted on the DVD player, where it can make the picture 16 by 10 on the screen, if you have the Pioneer Elite 16 by 10 Big Screen Tv.
Use the zoom feature on your DVD player to fill the screen on the Pioneer 55" screen. I use a Toshiba DVD player which has a zoom feature, I assume that most players have this.
Pioneer made 16:10.6 projection sets which were halfway between widescreen (16:9) and standard (4:3) aspect ratios. They did this well before DVD's, and mostly to cater to widescreen laserdisc enthusiats.