Pink Floyd in 24/192

I have the Pink Floyd catalog in 24/192 files from last fall's release and share my overall opinion



Showing 1 response by dvddesigner

I have scene these but have not tried them as of yet. I have the SACD for DSOTM (both the original release & the resent Acoustic Sounds) and Wish you Where Here. There is supposed to be a Acoustic Sounds SACD release of Animals but Rodger and Dave keep bitching at each other of liner notes so who knows.

My concern over the HiRes downloads would be what is their providence. For example.


  1. Up sampled versions of the James Guthrie CD remixes?
  2. Versions based on Hi-Res files used as the source of the CD releases
  3. Hi Res files used to cut the vinyl releases.
  4. Something else

These has been a rumored SACD for The Wall as well but James Guthrie has said the multitracks are in such poor shape it would be very difficult to create a new stereo mix and even more difficult to create a surround mix. 

I have purchased most of the vinyl releases over the last few years and have been very happy with those. If the HiRes versions are based on the cutting files for the vinyl release they should be good but that us a big if.