Picture discs - Collectors items?


I have an opportunity to buy a few dozen new, sealed picture discs - leftover inventory.

I have a few questions, please. I shall use the abbreviation PD to refer to them following.

Were PDs just a novelty and suitable only for memorabilia collectors? I realise that PDs were being released just at the beginning of the CD era.

Were PDs pressed from a superior grade of vinyl? I've seen them in different colours.

Does the colour of the PD vinyl make a difference in the sonic quality of the recording?

Were any PDs re-mastered at all? Again, this was at the time that CDs were being introduced and some recordings were re-mastered.

I am not looking to buy and then sell this stuff on eBay but to add to my collection.

Thanks and regards,


Showing 2 responses by shadorne

I have the Boston first album picture disc - it did not sound good compared to normal 33 vinyl (more pops and clicks) but it looks awesome and cool - love the art - but as someone mentioned it is really just "memorabilia"
05-30-08: Shadorne
I have the Boston first album picture disc......

I wouldn't admit that in public.......LOL

There are actually a lot of things I won't admit too in public.

Like paying Foreplay/Longtime on Rockband with my kids and nephew with my TD-9 drums (hooked up via R8 Midi Solutions and circuit mods/wiring to the PS3 Rockband Drumset)

I guess some people get Harley's in their mid life crisis - I got a drum set - boo-yaa!