Pickering XSV 3000 replacement stylus- are they worth it?

to say that I am enamored with the performance of the XSV 3000 on the new Technics 1200G is an understatement.  How are the replacement styluses for this cartridge?  are they worth it?  I have the original Stereohedron and although is still performs very well, well, nothing lasts forever. 

Showing 2 responses by rauliruegas

Dear @tzh21y  : Yes, you can use the 5000 in the 3000. No problem and will be and update for your cartridge at very good price. Go a head, you can't go grong with and be sure that Shibata stylus shape  is so good that Ortofon today top LOMC cartridge designs use it and other manufacturers too and all them use it for very good reasons.

Dear @tzh21y : Lewm is rigth and Shibata shape is better than  the original Stanto/Pickering.

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