pick a DVD player for my HT

I want to buy a good used DVD for my HT around $1,200. Can someone help me out. thanks a lot

Showing 3 responses by no_money

You can buy a new Sony 9000es for that which will also give you SACD, or I have heard good things about the California Audio DVD player. It should be around that price used. Another optiion is the Pioneer (DV-37) I think?? for around 7-800 new. I am sure there will be a good list here by the end of the day! Are you going to use this just for HT? or will music be played also?
Hi Chstob, check out the site info. Happy reading/listening
Chstob, are you sure the Arcam will offer a SACD upgrade? I checked it out on their site because I like Arcam and thought it sounded interesting. All I could find was that they may offer a upgrade to DVD-A in the future and this would require a new board to be installed.