Piano Solo

If you enjoy beautiful piano recordings, Fiona Joy's Into the Mist is an intimate, emotional piano masterpiece that is recorded superbly well. The folks at Blue Coast Records are putting together wonderful recordings. This post was inspired by a BCR incentive (disclaimer) and I proudly support them as they are creating remarkable recordings that all audiophiles should appreciate. If you are not familiar with BCR, I strongly recommend you checkout their DSD recordings, they are outstanding and it's companies like this that take our hobby to a new level. Without the quality at the recording level, we could never appreciate the high resolution we desire. Check them out and let me know what you think.

Here is a link to Fiona's album: http://bluecoastrecords.downloadsnow.net/fiona-joy-into-the-mist


Showing 1 response by mikelavigne

i met Fiona Joy last year at the Newport Show in one of the rooms while listening to one of her recordings. she was very nice and friendly and easy to approach and talk to.

i enjoy her music too.....and it's typically well recorded.