Phonostage: Wavac vs Doshi vs Tron

I am looking to add another phonostage to my system. I currently have the Essential 3160 preamp with phono. This has a MC and MM input Since I now have multiple tables, I wanted to add more phono inputs. Looking at the used market and what is available that I am considering is either a Doshi 2.1 phonostage, Wavac LCR-X2 or Tron Seven Reference. Any thoughts or experience from our readers? It is difficult for me to listen in my system as I am looking for used items. My Cartridges are Koetsu Coralstone/Onyx, FR7fz, Ikeda 9CIII, SPU Gold, Transfiguration Proteus and some high end MM's like Technics EPC-P100C and AKG P100LE.

Showing 1 response by rzado

Hi Ddriveman,

Of the units listed above, I have owned the Alaap V2.1 full function preamp (i.e, with the customized MM/MC stages) and the Zyx Artisan. The Doshi is entirely in another class (as is should be given the price differential), particularly when it comes to the frequency extremes, resolution of low level detail, and more lifelike timbre. I would further echo Dougdecon's comment above - he did a nice job of capturing what the unit does well. I have heard the WAVAC at shows, but too little experience with it in a controlled environment to comment (other than that it is very attractive looking gear).

Another unit you may consider in that approximate used price range that shows up on Audiogon is the Basis Exclusive IIx with the gold boards - extremely quiet, outstanding bass performance, solid macro and microdynamics - it is the only solid state unit I have heard in extended sessions <$15k that really impressed me.

Best of luck.