Phonostage: Wavac vs Doshi vs Tron

I am looking to add another phonostage to my system. I currently have the Essential 3160 preamp with phono. This has a MC and MM input Since I now have multiple tables, I wanted to add more phono inputs. Looking at the used market and what is available that I am considering is either a Doshi 2.1 phonostage, Wavac LCR-X2 or Tron Seven Reference. Any thoughts or experience from our readers? It is difficult for me to listen in my system as I am looking for used items. My Cartridges are Koetsu Coralstone/Onyx, FR7fz, Ikeda 9CIII, SPU Gold, Transfiguration Proteus and some high end MM's like Technics EPC-P100C and AKG P100LE.

Showing 1 response by david12

Not heard the wavac, but the Tron is truly excellent. Yes I agree it is tube like, but not lush or coloured at all, I would say lifelike. Graham tends to spec the units for a particular cartridge, so if you change cartridges a lot, that may be a problem. I do like Wavac, but I feel they are crazily overpriced