Phono Stage_Skoll-by Schiit Audio

Following assessment of newly released Phono Stage by Schiit Audio.

I installed it today.  It is replacing a Conrad-Johnson EF-1 phono stage I have owned since 2003.  I have a tendency to hang on to quality components....

The first thing I noticed with the Skoll P.S. is zero noise floor with no music playing and the pre-amp and amp running open in the background!  My C-J unit added a noticeable low frequency hum to my speakers. (not noticeable when music was playing.)  

The second thing I noticed was how clean the music sounded.  This was immediately noticeable.  Instruments stand out like never before.

This Schiit phono stage is the real deal!  I'm impressed and very happy I made this purchase!  Your folks did a really nice job on the design and build of this unit, and it shows!   This is the best $400 dollars I've spent on audio equipment!  I believe it is worth more.  Great value! 

I could not leave any comments or an appraisal of this unit on your web site, but feel free to post this as you can!

Warmest Regards,

Lou Oniga


Well, well...a year later and I'm still impressed and liking this phono stage.  I hooked up my old CJ unit at the daughter's house.  It was very impressive how much the sound stage improved in their system...

Thank you for the review and the long term updates.  I am about to (finally) get my Marantz TT-15s1 turntable (after selling my ProJect Debut Carbon Evo almost 6 months ago) and was seriously looking into this phono preamp.  I use a Parasound HINT 6 integrated that has one pair of balanced inputs and that's how I intend to use the Skoll.  

Anyway this thread with long term updates has been really helpful on this matter.

Just ordered one. I hope I don't get the left channel buzz a lot of people are complaining about.