Phono Stage Question

here is my analog setup, I run a Sota/SME5/Cardas Heart into the Mc Coil Input of a Counterpoint SA9, I run a Well Temperered/Sumiko SHO into the MM of the Sa9.

I am trying to run a Gyrodec/ittok/Lyra Clavis direct into the phono input of my Klimo Merlin Pre. There isnt enough gain to run the Clavis. What would happen if I ran the Clavis into an outboard Phone Stage (ie Gold Aero db45) then into the phono input on the Merlin? to make a long story short, can you run a RIAA eq signal into another RIAA input? Or would I just run the Gold Aero signal into a line input of the Klimo?


Showing 1 response by sedond

the two posts above are correct: fono-stage goes into a line input. but the gold aero db45 may very well not have enuff gain, either. 45db is getting borderline for lo-output mc's... you could get a mc step-up transformer for yer klimo's fono-stage. these are specifically designed to plug into riaa stages, *not* into line-stages - they do *not* have riaa equalization, only gain...

doug s.