Phono Stage - Passive Pre- Amp: Results??

Has anyone used a passive pre between their phono stage and amplifier with good results? If so, could you share the specifics regarding hardware? thanx much in advance.
I have an Ayre P-5xe running balanced into a Diy Dact balanced attenuator to a Rowland Model 2 with perfect results.
I use a Ortofon Jubilee at .35 through a Loesch phono pre (70db gain?) with stepped attenuators, cartridge/fet-tube-tube-tube-volume/amp/speakers. It drives my Berning EA-230 and Quad ESL's (84-86db effecient?) just fine (medium to small room) and very transparent and dynamic. I rarely go past 1 o'clock for volume. IMHO you should pay close attention to the output impedance of the pre and input impedance of the amp.

If you are running passive between the phono preamp output and the power amp, you will find that keeping the interconnect cables as short as possible will be very beneficial.