Phono Stage for passive preamp control

Considering transformer-based passive preamplification. Can anyone suggest a quality tube phono stage with sufficient gain for lower input MC pickups in such a configuration ($2K new or used range)? Don't need volume control on the phono stage, but could go with one that wil bypass the volume control. Am I restricted to a SS phono stage in order to have sufficient gain WITHOUT a step-up device?

Showing 2 responses by herman

Hi 4yanx, the base model of the IO with a single power supply sold originally for about $5,000 new and can be had for about half of that. The more expensive IO units you have seen have 2 power supplies, and/or are Signature or MKII models, and/or have the volume controls. Going from the base unit to the fully loaded almost triples the price.
You should be able to get a used Aesthetix IO (the basic model) for around $2500. Tons of gain using tubes and sounds great. Designed to drive an amp directly with optional built in stepped attenuators but this will set you back a few thousand more. I use mine with a Placette passive pre and it works very nicely.

I previously had a Pass Aleph Ono that will be closer to $1200 or so and is a fine sounding unit, but not quite as good as the IO.