Phono Stage, Cartridge, DeGritter...which one first?

If you were considering any of these changes, which one would make the most immediate improvement without narrowing it down to a specific phono stage or cartridge...interested in some feedback from the analog folks here.
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Showing 1 response by mammothguy54

Clean records are a must.  I have been using a Nitty Gritty for many years and it did a fine job of cleaning the record, visually.  I have focused on my turntable, phono cartridge, and phono stage first and have made significant sonic improvements every step of the way.  Then, I upgraded my record cleaning system to a Degritter.  I still use the Nitty Gritty for used records and once cleaned by that vacuum RCM the record goes to the Degritter.  The results with all of my records (current collection or used purchases) after US cleaning in the Degritter is that I am a little closer to the music.  For example, the music is more detailed in a manner that I am hearing a sizzle cymbal trailing off for a longer period than I had heard it in the past (same record, very familiar with it).  Vocals (again, same records that I am familiar with), if recorded well, I will often hear lips smacking or vocal chords vibrating that I had never before heard.  Many other examples, but that should give you a good idea.  These finer details in the recording, however, will not be revealed by US cleaning if the turntable, cartridge, and phono stage are not up to the task in the first place.
So, as I did, I can recommend that you first focus on upgrading the analog front-end, and then upgrade to a US cleaner.  Until then, be sure to keep your records clean.  The Record Doctor is a very good entry level vacuum record cleaner, low cost, it does a great job, and it's made by Nitty Gritty for them (a quality product).  I can wholeheartedly say that the Degritter is an excellent choice, providing it is within your budget.  It is engineered from the ground up to clean vinyl records.  It is not an off-the-shelf US tank made for cleaning jewelry or other items.  It does the job better for vinyl than any of its peers, but it's also a lot more expensive.  
I hope this helps you make a decision(s).