Phono Stage, Cables, etc for VPI Scoutmaster II?

I have a VPI Scoutmaster II on the way with Ortofon 2M Black cartridge, and wanted to get some input on matching up some components:

1. Phono cables? (under $500)
2. Power cord? (under $500)
3. (Cheap) Dustcover (but not a plastic bag!)
4. Phono stage? ($1200 or less)

I like detailed, clean, fast, and musical sound. Right now my system is teetering on the edge of too much warmth (downstream from the VPI I have a tubed BAT preamp and either a pair of tubed mono blocks or a Pass Labs x150 solid state amp.)


Showing 1 response by paraneer

Congrats on the new table & cartridge. I won't comment on the cable, cord & phono stage. You'll get plenty of opinions. But I will on the dustcover since you want a cheap one.

Consider having a custom one made by these guys...

I had them build one for me for my Project RM5.1 SE to my specs, complete with cable cut-outs in back and I think it cost about $100, shipping included. It took about 2 weeks to get to me from time of order. Highly recommended for a great cover at a reasonable price. And you dictate the dimensions that work best for you.