Phono Stage, Cables, etc for VPI Scoutmaster II?

I have a VPI Scoutmaster II on the way with Ortofon 2M Black cartridge, and wanted to get some input on matching up some components:

1. Phono cables? (under $500)
2. Power cord? (under $500)
3. (Cheap) Dustcover (but not a plastic bag!)
4. Phono stage? ($1200 or less)

I like detailed, clean, fast, and musical sound. Right now my system is teetering on the edge of too much warmth (downstream from the VPI I have a tubed BAT preamp and either a pair of tubed mono blocks or a Pass Labs x150 solid state amp.)


Showing 4 responses by 1graber2

Thanks Peter,
The first 3 links didn't work, but I was able to google and find them. Your B2B-1 has some positive reviews. Currently, I have a pair of Dali Helicon 400 MkI floor standing speakers, and my mid-bass is maxed out, can't do any more. As such, my concern with using the B2B-1 is TOO MUCH bass, as the reviews appeared to say that the low end was pretty fat.
In any case, will consider it, I see there is a 2 week trial period.
Ok, thanks folks, I'll nix the power cord idea, no problem with that.
I like the idea of the Nordost Heimdalls as well. I use mostly Nordost ICs & SCs in my system anyway (at about the Heimdall/Frey/SPM performance level).
Also, a guy at a local high end store in San Francisco told me that they generally recommend 2 cables for the Scoutmaster: a Transparent Audio model & the Synergistic Research Tricon.
What do you like about the Morrows?

Can I ask what TT you use them with? Is the shielding adequate?
thx, Gary
Well, I found a good deal on a Demo Lehmann black Cube SE II, so I picked it up. Out of the box, it sounds more naturally smooth than the Nano II, but that's on 1970s Marantz 6300 TT, I haven't received the Scoutmaster II yet. Now just need some to phono cables (considering the Morrows)....