Phono Preamplifier Redux .. Damn This is Getting Expensive

I posted previously in search of a phono preamplifier, but as I put together a system I refined what I was looking for.

My current Analog food chain consists of Technics 1200G turntable, Hana ML cartridge, unknown phono preamplifier, McIntosh MA12000 integrated, Sabrina X, pair of REL S/812 subs.  Also, Shunyata Everest 8000 power conditioner and a mix of Alpha V2 NR and Venom V10NR power cables.  Other cables: AQ Earth balanced interconnects, William Tell full range speaker cables.  Also, had to make some room acoustic modifications.

So, here is the problem.  I just got a Holo May DAC DTE and have been streaming by Roon, mostly purchased and ripped files on a Synology NAS.  The problem is that my digital side sounds much more musical than my analog.  Part of the remedy is on the way with 3" Tiger Maple equipment rack, but digital and analog are not close.  My Sutherland 20/20 LPT is going back.  It has limited front/back sound stage and the upper mids and treble are a bit shrill.  I say this because the Holo is just beautifully musical throughout.

Music Direct will be taking Sutherland back and has suggested the Esoteric E-02 Balanced as a solution.  So this post I'm raising my budget to 9-10K new, or used and prefer balanced out.  Looking for detail, dynamics and silent background.  I just can't have the digital so much more enjoyable... of course there is always selling all analog and staying digital, but that doesn't feel right.  

So, where do I go for balanced out and more musical, but retaining micro detail and dynamics?


Showing 10 responses by vonhelmholtz

I never heard the cartridge.  I purchased based on reviews.  I just don't see the point of auditioning with different speakers, etc..  I really was intending to start small and things got out of hand,  The only pieces of equipment I purchased by audition were the MA12000 and Sabrina X which I heard as part of a system.  That particular shop was not into vinyl...or at least my salesperson and his supervisor were not into vinyl.

The heavy wood rack is part of my effort to get the bass under control, as well as a large heavy padded rug, full size low back sofa and nine large bass traps. I need to reduce the transfer of energy to the cartridge and other components.. I suppose.  If that isn't happening, I'll have to locate the turntable/phono preamp on the side wall and this will require longer balanced interconnects.

My concern with tubes is the problem that I'm having with cartridge vibration... worried about the tube microphonics.



That Brinkmann Audio Bardo Performance Edition is sure a beautiful piece and you might be right about upgrading table/arm/cartridge, but I'm going to hold off on that due to funds and concentrate on reducing cartridge vibration and look for a preamplifier and then look at table..etc..after I sell my Camaro ZL1.  So, I resisted tube phono stage because I have a tube preamp and fear of loss of detail, but I gather that better tube phono preamplifiers retain detail, mico-detail..and have the dynamics of modern solid state..or do you give up something moving from solid state.


I think that the Townshend Podiums look like a good idea with the REL subwoofers.



I used a lower gain setting when I first setup the Sutherland and preferred the higher gain setting, but I took your advice and lowered the gain and at this point after many hours of breaking the lower gain sounded better and the soundstage filled out more.... always been on 100 ohms.


I've moved the turntable to seven different positions and it has the least interaction against the wall and near the sitting position and this might, in the end, be where it ends up, but that requires 4 meter interconnects, so I decided to go for very heavy rack with cones at each shelf resting on the next and I have a 3"thick tiger maple isolation stand on cones... rack weight, 5 sets of cones going to the floor, 108 pounds of integrated amp will be my first step and I will try the Townshend Podiums if that doesn't do it.  I'll go long interconnects and wall mount as a last step if needed.


The review of the Allnic is very positive,  but no balance out and class A tube phono stage with just 8" space per shelf in my rack wouldn't do.


The VTL TP 6.5 has great reviews.. The newer version is $$$


I've read many of your posts and you always seem to have a firm foundation and much experience. Audio Research, Conrad Johnson, VAC, and Presto seem like great suggestions, but I do want to stay with balanced outputs.


I think that many others offered similar advice to the ones that I referenced.  From what I'm seeing above, most think that a tube phono stage would be more musical.


I believe you, but I want to see where I’m at after the equipment stand before I spend $4000 on $5500 worth of subwoofers. It is good to know that there is a solution should all else fail. It may be the only way.. We will see.


If money solves problems, then the Townshend Podiums should solve all of life’s problems. I’ll revisit this if other solutions fail.

My equipment stand only has 8" space between shelves.  This alone eliminates many tube phono stages.  Are there tube phono stages that can give good results and stay cool with only 8"?  Are there quality solid state phono stages that have a musical presentation without loss of detail and dynamics?


Did that.  I returned the 20/20.


Have 9 large bass traps..corner and wall.  Made a big difference.

I just put everything on a 150 pound plus Timber Nation four shelf rack with 3" tiger maple shelves, the new phono stage and everything came together.  I can't believe that a 4K Technics turntable can sound this good. Thanks to everyone that helped along the way.  My wife moves to Texas in two weeks, so no more big boxes on the doorstep.