Phono Preamp suggestions?

My current system is set up as so:

- McIntosh MA6100 Integrated
- Linn Sondek LP12 w/ Lingo, EKOS arm, Arkiv cart

I've already determined the onboard phono stage on the MA6100 is not going to cut it for this low voltage MC cart; so, what would be a good phono preamp to handle this type of situation? Is a step up headamp or transformer an option also? Or rather, what features should I look for in a phono preamp to make this set up most efficient?

10-05-09: Koloft
Please underestand that this is not a sales call<<

Well, if it walks like duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's usually a sales call.

Quack quack.
SUT requires careful matching at both ends; cart and phono stage.
Head-amp A very good one I used recently was ZYX CCCP-1 which you should be able to get a great buy on from Sorasound.
Full function pre-amps w great internal phono stages:
Atmasphere MP-1 or 3, depending on budget
VAC Ren or Ren Sig
Doshi Alaap.
Both the VAC and the Atma use transformers, the Doshi is active and is noise free w 0.24 MV carts; you might want to check w builder because the 0.15 mv spec is quite low.