Phono Pre Upgrade from Parasound JC-3?

Hi there,
I've owned my JC-3 for about two years and have no complaints about it.  It sounds very good, but I'm curious about upgrading to a preamp that would be a significant improvement.  
I've thought about upgrading to a tube phono preamp as I like the warmer sound of tubes and my amplifier is a Lyngdorf TDAI-3400.  
Given a budget of around $6K, what would you recommend?  

Showing 1 response by almarg

Regarding the BAT VK-P6SE, I’d be concerned about the gain settings it provides. The "low" setting of 50 db seems likely to be too high for many high output cartridges, and the "high" setting of 55 or 56 db (depending on what document is looked at) seems likely to be too low for many low output cartridges.

Also, FWIW, like Millercarbon I am a happy owner of a Herron phono stage (the VTPH-2 in my case), which I use with a 0.5 mv AT-ART9 cartridge.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al