Phono-pre: subsonic filter on or off ?

I currently have mine set to on. Does this mean I'm rolling off some bass and perhaps not getting the full bass slam I should ? What do most of you do that have phono pre's with subsonic filters...on or off ? Thank in advance.

Showing 1 response by dan_ed

51 beats per minute! What?!?! You a marathoner, Bob? ;-)

Does this mean I'm rolling off some bass and perhaps not getting the full bass slam I should ?

Maybe. However, you may also not be getting the full bass slam without using the filter. Many times there are sonic benefits to not feeding frequencies to an amp that it does not need to reproduce. In this case there is more of the power supply output available to reproducing the thwack of a kick drum rather than the rumble from the table. Only you and your ears can tell us which works better for your speakers.

I use both active and passive filtering when I find it beneficial. I have two, 18" drivers in my bass horns that handle from ~100Hz and down. I do not use a rumble filter with my horns because they roll off very quickly below 25Hz or so. I also have a pair of Aerial 10t's that get down about the same. These speakers are ported in order to get down there. As you can imagine they pump a bit when I move them into the system. If these were my main speakers I would most likely use such a filter, but it would be of a much higher quality than the KAB filter mentioned on this thread. Nothing wrong with the KAB, but it can be bettered.