Phono Pre multiple mc inputs+volume control

As you may see from the system link below, I am using full Asr electronics. I like them very much.

Lately I am trying to buy a third tonearm for my turntable. Asr Phono accepts only two inputs. For the third tonearm, I may buy another phono pre, I may use sut with a MM phono pre, or I may switch cables, or I may buy a rca switcher etc.

But, I am thinking another tempting option;

Phono pre which has a multiple inputs(mc preferable i am not using mm cartridges), volume control and a power amp. Which seems very nice becoming smaller, lots of boxes(batterys, power supply I am dealing right now)will vanish, which would be nice in my situation. I have to deal with only two boxes(maybe three).

I am searching this kind of phono pre amp but there are very few I guess. I found Manley Steelhead, Musical Surrounding Super Nova II. I do not want to make a sacrifice from my sonic level, so Super NovaII is not an option(yes I tried, ASR is very much better). I do not have a chance to try Manley, and I am not sure Manley is a strong rival to Asr.

I really like to hear your ideas and recommendations. I am quite sure there are other options in the market.

Also one of my friend told me to buy an high quality MM phono stage(with a volume control)+rca swicther+ sut for cartridges. I also like to hear your ideas about it.

In the end I do not want a sonic sacrifice, maybe better but not less :) Only using less electronic is tempting, I may use a much smaller rack between speakers that way.

Showing 2 responses by altanpsx

Nandric did you connect 4 arms to exclusive. Is it safe to do it, i am not sure, but if it is, very nice :) finding a same league performer is a pain.

I have found two electronics. One of them is EMT Jpa 66

Different kind of animal. Very pricey, i did not find a cahnce to listen but it looks like a last investment...

Not a cheap one but nearly free beside emt. Monk audio phono pre amp.

It has 3 inputs, as many settings as you wish for, also riaa eq. For this price it is a gift. I do not know its sonic abilities, but if it is average, it makes a good choice for a lots of sustem.

Allnic which i have no idea. I have seen them in many good systems , and very experienced audiophiles are using. But no distributor in my country, i have no chance to listen. May be in munich high end show which i m planning to attend.

Searching universe is going on. :)
Nandric i agree with you, also using multiple cartridge needs a different
settings is a pain.

Using a rca accepted tonearms is another solution. Long enough rca may
easily switch fro, arm to arm.

If asr had a volume control i do not look for another phono pre, which hard
to find :)

Onhwy61 i know octave electronics, i had listened them as a system, and i
did not like them.