About a month ago I bought a ModWright PH9.0XT and I'm very happy with it. It replaced my Aesthetix Rhea which was a great phono stage but after about 10 years I was going to send it in for an upgrade to the Signature level. That upgrade would have been $4K. I sold the Rhea and purchased the new ModWright from The Music Room. I played the new MW pre for a couple of weeks then being the tube roller that I am, I replaced the Sovtek 5AR4 rectifier tube with a 1962 vintage NOS Mullard GZ34 (Euro equivalent for 5AR4) and the JJ 6922 tubes with 1961 vintage NOS Valvo 6922's. That rolling payed off with deeper bass and bigger soundstage. I know that the unit is still breaking in, but again I am greatly satisfied. For what it's worth, I also have a Primare R35 and a Modsquad Phono Drive as solid state backups.
Phono pre amp recommendations? - upgrading from ICON AUDIO PS1 MK II
hey everyone, I am kindly asking for your phono pre amp recommendations, especially if you have experience with my current amp (icon audio PS1 MKII).
for the first time in my audio journey right now my system is so close to perfect (to my ears) and im incredibly happy about that. my current set up is Marantz tt15 turntable with dynavector 20x2 cartridge, primaluna prologue premium integrated and elysian 4 speakers. its very transparent, detailed, smooth, open, and in my opinion pretty neutral. when I swapped out my phono pre amp for one that my friend made(also tube design), it was like everything came to life, I couldn’t believe I was listening to the same system as I was 5 minutes ago. everything had more weight, and was more life like, it was darker and yet more lively, the vocals jumped out in front: so detailed and life like yet smooth and warm and not edgy or sharp or fatiguing like I often hear. it is currently the sound I am chasing (my friend will not sell this amp, or make another one like it, some friend huh?).
can anyone recommend a phono pre in the 3-4k range that can accomplish most or at least some of these qualities? my conclusions are that the icon audio is great, tonnes of headroom, detail, smooth, super quiet, big soundstage, but that it is too neutral for my ears and system and not warm enough, or its too polite, it seems to disappear in the system which may be a great quality for some.
does anyone have experience with this amp and can make a recommendation for an amp that has more warmth richness and weight (and forwardness?) in the midrange without giving up the other qualities I mentioned? I’m not looking for that vintage mushy sweet tube sound, more looking for what I have with just a hint more of that magic lol.
a couple of amps I am looking into are the modwright ph9, lab12 melto 2, and Allnic h-5500 (although a bit out of my budget).
I would appreciate and advice you can give me or any experience you can share with me.
thanks so much