Phono Cartridge Purchase from Asia?

Considering purchasing a Benz Micro Zebrawood L from an Audiogon classified that ships from Asia. I’m a little nervous with it coming from Asia. Does anyone have any experience purchasing from this seller? I wish there was a Benz Micro US distributer. Ugh. 




Seller may be 100%, yet clearly crossing distributor lines and such. Does seller offer warranty service?

I’ve personally purchased a few cartridges from Kron, and yes he’s excellent; the Benzes are legit and have always been perfect.

I have yet to require warranty service on any cartridge (most cartridges will either die by accident/abuse or by worn stylus after many hours), and at the cost savings you can buy another new and still be under the normal price anyways.

I bought a Ruby Z from Kron. Fast shippin and responsive. However, the serial# was changed on the outer white paper that wraps the case. I reached out to Benz. Apparently, my carts serial # doesn't exist to them. They called it a grey market cartridge. No warranty will be honored as far as they're concerned. The cartridge seems fine but what did I buy; who knows? I wouldn't do it again.

You say 'Asia'.  Where in Asia??

Quite a bit of Asia is OK, has honest people and a decent rule of law.

But China is the wild west.  Don't go there.

Beware saying Hong Kong is OK.  It used to be.  Sadly tt's part of China now and is being infiltrated by dodgy mainlanders.

@mulveling Thanks! I pulled the trigger on the Benz Zebra L. You recommended it to me a couple months back in a different thread. I’m replacing a Hana SL. Looking forward to hearing it!