Phono Cartridge Purchase from Asia?

Considering purchasing a Benz Micro Zebrawood L from an Audiogon classified that ships from Asia. I’m a little nervous with it coming from Asia. Does anyone have any experience purchasing from this seller? I wish there was a Benz Micro US distributer. Ugh. 




Showing 8 responses by paulgardner

Yeah I’m leaning towards not risking it. Running the Hana SL now. Really like it but it’s nearing the end of its life and I’d like to try something different. I have it in my mind that I want a wood bodied cartridge this time. Maybe it’s the aesthetics? I like what I’ve read about the Benz Zebra L. Maybe I’m kidding myself thinking I can get a deal. I dunno. 

@mulveling Thanks! I pulled the trigger on the Benz Zebra L. You recommended it to me a couple months back in a different thread. I’m replacing a Hana SL. Looking forward to hearing it! 

@jbhiller thanks for the info! Yeah I decided to take the risk and understand there might not be a warranty for this. Kron has been very responsive and has already provided tracking info. Three days from Hong Kong to Chicago is crazy fast! Maybe it’ll be just as fast for me here in Minneapolis. Fingers crossed! 

@alvinnir2 that is good to hear. Makes me feel a bit better about forfeiting the Benz warranty with buying at at discount from Kron. He sounds like he’s a good seller too. Also good to hear you thought the Benz was an upgrade from the Hana SL. I’ve really enjoyed the Hana for the four years I’ve had it. Thanks for the info!