Phono cable/grounding/loading questions

Hi, I am finally settling with my analog set up which I run in balanced(RCA @ TT end with ground wire and balanced at phono pre-amp, balanced from phono to preamp..)configuration. I do have some questions that I need answered to convince me what is right. I have looked in to archives but have not found clear cut answers. So here goes:

1. Is the purpose fully designed phono cable always better than the regular ics used as phono cables?
2. If there is no hum present without ground wire connected at TT end, technically is it correct to do so? (When I connect the gorund wire, the presentation a little more articulate but on brighter side)
3. Could I use phono cable with RCA/RCA and use RCA/balanced adapter at phono preamp end? Would I be getting full benefit of balanced configuration this way?
4. My helikon cartridge loading with all new burn-in cables sits at 40 ohms currently and there is still peak (4-5 db) at 10 K hz. Rest of the spectrum very good but this peak is annoying at times. Why is this happening?
5. Bi-wire question: Is it okay to use biwire speaker cables with Jumpers or is it defeating the purpose? More importantly is this dangerous?

Sorry to load you with too many questions but I wanted have only one thread to put my mind to rest.

Thanks in advance!!

Showing 1 response by fcrowder

Several years ago I switched from a Helicon to a Titan on my Rockport and at least in the Rockport arm, the Titan is significantly better. Cleaner at the top and definitely more bass but in my system the greatest improvements were in dynamics and presence. Perhaps the Titan is just a better match for the Rockport arm but in my system significantly better.