Phono Amp for new Rega Planar 10 with Apheta 3

I am looking for a phono stage that let my Rega Planar 10 with Apheta 3 discover its full potential. What are your thoughts driven by experience? I tried new Chord Huey ($1495) but I have a feeling its an underperformer considering Rega's $7k price tag. Similar situation with Rega Aria - will it be enough? Any Aria users out there? 
The Rega's top of the line Aura is severely overpriced in US and honestly I am not sure I fully justify spending that much on a phono stage.
Any recommendations greatly appreciated! 
Go audition phono sections and buy what you like, not what a bunch of opinionated wannabe equipment reviewers recommend.

Most are here to validate what they purchased and justify the money they spent.

Let your ears be the judge, take some suggestions and seek out what works for you not what has worked for others.
I`m about 8 albums in on a Rega P10/Apheta 3 combo using a Herron VTPH-1 MC plus phono stage, the predecessor to the VTPH2`s
It`s sounding very nice running wide open. 
Nice left to right imaging, nice depth too, I could go on...but imo a Herron would be a nice choice.
Don`t see how you could go wrong with a Herron.
Since I made this post I made some major upgrades. I am currently using SME 12A deck with SME V arm,  Hana Umami Red cartridge and Simaudio 810LP phono stage in fully balanced combination.
All cables are Cardas Clear Beyond.