Phono 1:1 Input Transformers - info sought...

I was looking at the Brinkmann Edison Mk II and their site refers to a 1:1 input transformer... What is the purpose of this and when would you utilize it? I understand about Step-up's but this isn't really that... one can turn on/off apparently...

I have searched abit and have not run across this on the web... does another manufacture employ this? Searching the forum did not provide me with an answer... maybe I am poor at searching...

Here is an excerpt..

Three Balanced RCA inputs, two of which also feature XLR connection, accommodate the most elaborate systems. Each input is independently adjustable for gain (16 steps from 49 - 73 dB) and impedance (12 steps from 50 - 47k Ohms). Adding selectable mono/stereo, phase/invert and a 1:1 input transformer of superb quality, Edison provides a level of fine-tuning unsurpassed by any other phono stage. A remote handset maximizes user convenience.




Showing 2 responses by sc2

Thank you for your replies, This unit allows the user to turn it on/off.. maybe it is for noise and long runs. I will send them an email and inquire,



Okay, so this normally in phono stages to modify the signals, they just called it out as being special...