Phono (0.1- 0.22mV+) or step up for LOMC?

A rookie needs some help please...
Would you buy a phono (0.1- 0.22mV+) or step up for LOMC? Which one? Why? It's an Ikeda 9TT (2ohm, 0.2mV) with a VPI Classic, and Dynaudio BM5 MKiii monitors with volume box.
I have found the following options in the past few days. Phono:
Gold Note PH-10 (0.1mV)
Gold Note PH-1 (0.15mV)
Gold Note PH-7 (0.15mV)
EAR 834p (0.22mV)
Nighthawk F117 (???mV)
Which one would you choose?
I am leaning towards the PH10, but honestly I dont need all those settings, but if IT sounds superior than the other then I would go for it. The Nighthawk sounds really good also for the price but I couldn't find the specifications and I am not sure if it's good as any of the Gold Notes. Used EAR 834p can be an option also but I read really mixed opinions about it. 
Now what I have now is a Musical Fidelity MX VYNL (0.4mV if its balanced), now I am running unbalanced. It's biggest advantage is I could run it full balanced all the way from the tonearm to the monitors and maybe some factory upgrade is possible, regarding to the website in the gain and plus a PSU.

Or step up?
It must be Max 1000pounds used.

Thank you all :)

Showing 9 responses by korakotta

Thank you all, you are awesome! Sorry for the begynner questions, I am very new to this field...The Ikeda 9TT has 0.2mV, not 0.1mV, and in a review the author says it was just equal to an another 0.3mV cart... and 2ohms coil impedance

According to the KAB calculator I supposed to have 64db gain, now my MX VYNL has, channel separation: <-83dB, SNR A-WTD: <-98dB
Isn`t it enough? I really like the sound, I am amazed by the details. But I`d like to get the max out from my system, if it does not require to break the bank...

First, I am going to replace the unbalanced RCA cables to balanced XLR, because I read, my monitors are expecting balanced connects.
That is going to limit the phonos to buy, but I think, It`s a necessary first step.(?)

Then, I have two options option:
Buy a Denon AU-S1, and a pair of interconnects, used. Would it go well with my current phono and cart? This one?
Any cheaper option what is still better than a phono?

2nd option:
I am going to sell the phono, so my budget is going to be exactly what the PH-10 costs. But if it`s possible, I would like to keep the costs lower if it isn`t a trade off in the sound quality.

JLTi from Australia would be a good one but If its possible I`d like to buy it from here -Norway- or if it`s a really good deal, then, inside EU. And it doesn`t have balanced XLR outputs....For the same reason I dropped (no xlr) the Nighthawk, the PH-1 and the EAR.

So, the PH-10 sounds good so far, but what else could be better with -at least- a balanced XLR out? Even better if it has optional balanced ins also, so later I could upgrade the VPI Classic to balanced…
ASR Audiosystems Mini Basis Exclusive for example?
Any other better options?

I am conserned about the balanced connectors because I had a chance to try it with balanced cables and it was almost silent.
I think the noise in my system is not just because the phono....
But I have a desire to buy a better one with a balanced outs. I would go for the JLTi if it would have it.

@rauliruegas Thank you for confirming my opinion about SUTs...
Less is more in this case.
I think my active monitors benefit from the balanced connects. I tried it with a whole different config also and it was just better. 
Wouldn`t make sense to upgrade the vpi classic with the xlr junction box and run it balanced from the tonearm to the monitors? That is a future plan if it makes sense, then I need a phono with balanced ins and outs.
If not, then I need only balanced outs.
What do you think?  
Okay, I could live with that option also. As I said I am a rookie, so I don`t have much experience yet.  Lets get down in the "SUT road". Beside the DENON AU-S1 which one would be good enough? I am open to buy used one also, but first of all I have to check the availability here. IT would be nice to have a few options. The Ikeda 9TT has 0.2mV and 2ohms coil impedance.
Thank you for all the replies. 
I changed the unbalanced cables to balanced. The cables need to burn in,the octaves are incomplete, but it feels like I got 5-10db and overall better sound quality, so that's gonna be like that.

I decided to buy a phono next. 
I need to do that even if I am gonna buy later a SUT because the Mx Vynl is running at 47k constantly in MM mode and the Ikeda is happy at 100ohms...

I am hesitating between the Ph-10 and the ASR Mini MK3 exclusive high voltage edition.
I couldnt find lots of info about the last one, only it's good with LOMC and high quality product. Anyone? Both has balanced xlr outs.
Any other phono what would be better with balanced xlr-outs?

I got down to the following options. It`s not not gonna be a SUT, but a phono upgrade first -but I am open to purchase one later-
I am living in Norway, so my options are a bit limited.

Which one would you choose from the following?

1. MF PSU + go full balanced from the tonearm to monitors (already balanced from the phono to the monitors). Eventually MF is offering upgrade in the phono, but I have to send it to the UK what is additional costs. I am gonna call them on tuesday to find out the costs. I am happy with the sound overall, so it can be considerable. BUT. Then I don`t have the option later for the SUT. 

2. Gold Note PH-10. Upgradable, regarding to the specs, reviews, it would be a significant improvement for about 500pound extra, if I could sell the MF

3. Moon 310LP. I could get this one for the price of the PH-10. Excellent reviews, but I couldn`t find out if it would go well with a 0.2mV cart. THe seller says maybe.

4.  ASR Mini Basis Exclusive High Voltage editon with  Analog Devices (AD843SQ) chip. This one would cost about 800 pounds extra. Possible good ,but I couldnt find much specs.
It's a pair of Dynaudio BM5 MKiii. It sounds like a big improvement after I went balanced, so I want to keep it that way.
The Dynaudio BM5 MKiii are active monitors with built in amp, balanced ,unbalanced inputs.