philips 867 turntable : ANOTHER question.

I do appreciate all your replies.

My question is:

Would it be okay to leave turntable plugged in to my RGR pre-amp ONLY order to power on.?

( instead of wall outlet ) because turntable is quirky and will not power on 

plugged into wall outlet. Will it hurt anything to leave it plugged in to pre-amp?

Please see my previous post about this Philips turntable.

Thank you



NO Problem doing that.

Historically, preamps or receivers (integrated with tuners) had a mix of switched and un-switched outlets. The whole system, all source power might go thru it, You are using a switched outlet I presume. Remember, it's not the total plugged in, it's the total active draw, only one source component (chain) is on at a time.

You might try a power controller, i.e. a Furman, I chose this one