Philadelphia area audio club?

Is there an active one, as is mentioned in the S. New Jersey thread? Anyone interested "in thinking about starting one"? Thanks.
Red Planet Audio would like to visit us the last week in September Are any of us available. I have been off the radar due to a heavy travel schedule and a PC that has been attacked by Adware
Hi Dan,

Sunday, September 26 is spoken for. Steve and Joe T. have arranged a demo at a dealer's location with Granite electronics and Von Schwiekert speakers. I don't know if trying to do two demos in rapid succession will be good for the group, we'd need to pose the question on the mailing list.

Remember that you can go to the PAAG web site on Yahoo Groups to see the email archive and see the discussion about this demo date and the recent group trip to Red Trumpet. For the Granite/von S. demo, see Steve's emails on 7/21 and 7/27.

I am interested in joining an audio club. I currently live in the Norristown area (a few miles outside Philly) and have been into the high-end thing for about 3 years now.

Hi Glenn,

We'd be delighted to have you join us. I think you will find us a congenial group of folks who enjoy music, audio and visiting with each other. I'll send you a direct email with more information about the group and our next gathering.

Best regards,
Our next meeting is September 26: an Audio Demo with Doug Hoglund, owner and designer of Granite Audio electronics, and Rusty Taub, national sales manager for Von Schweikert Audio

Doug will have full set of his very well designed Granite tube electonics driving Von Scheikert VR-4JR speakers in one room. Andy will have the new Von Schweikert DB-99's in another room being driven by a full line of Consonance tube gear, including the Cyber 211 SET monoblocks. Both CD and vinyl will be playable.

If you would like to get acquainted with the Philadelphia Area Audio Group, post a reply here and a member of the group will contact you with more informantion.