Phenomenal Classical Recordings

I would like to get a few really great classical recordings in terms of both music and the actual production in either redbook or SACD. Any recommendations to get me going into classical?
Now, you're talking. I will compile a list for you and will either post it here or email it to you. I'm sure there are many others who will do the same. You will be flooded 8^)
Is your pocket book big enough?
I'll do the same, but let's post the recommendations here for others also beginning to explore classical music.
One thing to consider, the RCA Living Stereo classical recordings are being released on SACD. These are acknowledged as being very good to exceptional analog based recordings. The best part is there are two LP's (read variety) on one SACD for $11.98 or less (try Tower). Probably the most popular one (of those released) is Mussorgsky-Pictures at an Exhibition. This piece is what got me going on classical many, many years ago (as done by Emerson, Lake and Palmer no less!). Mercury Living Presence classical recordings are also being released in SACD but they are little more pricey at $17.98. You're in for a real treat, just approach with an open mind.
The "old masters" of classical music are always a good place to start: Vivaldi, J.S. Bach, Haydn, Handel, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, etc. To expand your horizons, however, I suggest that you buy either or both of the following books, which will give you an excellent introduction to the major classical composers and the better recorded versions of their work:

1. Essential Canon of Classical Music, by David Dubal (North Point Press, 2001).

2. The NPR Guide to Building a Classical CD Collection, by Ted Libbey (Workman Publishing, 1999).

Both books are very readable and contain excellent information that will really enhance your understanding and enjoyment of the classical music repertoire.