Phase Inversion

recently read about a cary slp98 pre amp as well as a few others that are phase inverting. also read that this can be reversed by changing the polarity of the speaker wires. my question, why do manufacturers do this? does it make an audible difference? why reverse it? i also have read about cd's that are recorded phase reversed. what is the point of all this. thanks alot.

aloha keith
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Showing 1 response by eldartford

When you make a plot of the waveform, inversion certainly makes it LOOK different. But the difference is only evident for the first half-cycle of the waveform, a few milliseconds, and I really doubt that the ear can recognize sound that quickly.

I have never worried about "absolute phase" because, as others have mentioned, recorded material is all jumbled up by the mixdown process, making the issue hopeless.

However, this effect is easy to evaluate by listening test, so I guess I will give it a try.