Hi guys,
Long Walk Home is out - the soundtrack to the upcoming movie 'Rabbitt Proof Fence'.
Funny that I came across this thread because I was going to post asking what anyone's thoughts were on the remasters. I have a sampler CD with about 8 remastered songs (1 from each album I think). Compared Games w/o Frontiers to the original CD (Gabriel 3) and it sounds more open and dynamic. Also compared Sledgehammer (So) and felt the same, though to a lesser extent - probably because the recording is newer than Gabriel 3. Also Shock the Monkey (Security) has some improvement, though not as obvious as the others (at least to me). Some of the effects/sounds/instruments are mixed more 'out in front' than previously.
Anyone else have some insight? I'm particularly interested in the improvements in the first 4 albums.