Pet Stories

Thought I'd share a pet story with you.Just recently I puchased some new speakers of which I am very proud of (B&W Nautilus 802's/803's/HTM-1/Velodyne HGS-15 sub). Anyway, after placing them around the living room, much to my dismay I started noticing some stain marks on the lower parts of the grilles. Suspecting the culprit was our six year old miniature pinscher, sure enough I caught him in the act of lifting his leg and relieving himself on one of my beautiful new speakers. After a sound flogging of his posterior I purchased some repellent and sprayed it on them ( it turned out to be an attractant ). Well,after threatening to either have him castrated or hang a clothes pin on him, my wife, who was beside herself defending her poor little darling, found a denim diaper with velcro tabs at the local pet store which she fitted him with and it works great ! It's kinda funny though to see him running around the house in a jock strap (guests get a real kick out of it). Anybody else got any pet stories they want to share ?

Showing 2 responses by angela100

We have that rice paper wallpaper (like bamboo) on the walls of our listening room. Our cat, Koko, used to sharpen her claws on the wall paper. I repaired the wallpaper and put plexiglass on the walls up to 4 feet. It was amazing what it did to the sound in the room. Well, she died this past January after a long, wonderful 16 years and we got a kitten in February. We left the plexiglass up and we use a water spray bottle to train him - for everything. It really works on animals that don't like water. (I don't imagine that it would work on say a lab- they'll do anything to get wet!) He doesn't touch any of the furniture, even the corners that are worn from KoKo after a couple sprays and a sharp NO! (consistency is key) Some may want to try this after you get some enzyme eating cleaner to remove the urine odor. They will continue to come back and mark if they still smell it. You can get it at any pet store.
Bwyoung, I liked the bicycle tube idea. If he ever starts on the wiring, that will be first choice.
I thought that I had heard all the names for pets... but Richard takes the prize... there MUST be a story behind that name