pet's & xmas

i personally know quite a few member's here who not only own pet's but treat them like family,this bring's me to the question,what did you get your pet for xmas.

we have a 100lb snow white americain bull dog who's favorite toy is a bowling ball so my wife & i got her a custom child's ball with her name on it,my son's treated her to supper at mcdonald's & bought her various squeeky toy's & a box of mint milk bone's.

im curious if anybody else will fess up what they bought their pet.


Showing 2 responses by boa2

Our English Mastiff, Evita, gets some extra juice pulp in her Christmas dinner. Our Jack Russell, Mario, has requested an individually gift-wrapped, savory rodent for each of the next eight nights of Hannukah. The dogs split holidays, carrying on the tradition of my Jewish mother, whose favorite holiday is Christmas. Tomorrow is her wedding anniversary, in fact, married 24 years ago in front of her Christmas tree. Her 17-year-old silky terrier, KD (as in 'killer dog'), gets some new toys tomorrow as well.

Have you tried Jane's Addiction's song, "Been Caught Stealing"? Give that one a try, a real doggie treat during the intro.

Love those Bouviers! My sister has one named Dulce, who goes everywhere with her in NYC, even into some restaurants!