Personal turntable/cartridge evolution

I just ran across the two year old personal speaker evolution and personal amp evolution threads. I am amazed that so far nobody has ever posted the question with respect to turntables/cartridge combinations.

Same deal as the other threads. I will start with my short odyssey through the worl of turntables:

1993 Linn Basik/Akito/K9
1998 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Elys
2000 Rega Planar 3/RB300/Denon DL103
2004 Michell Tecnodec/RB600/Ortofon Kontrapunkt A and Denon DL103R



Showing 2 responses by johnbee

1973-78 a BSR changer
1978-1992 BIC 960
1992-present Thorens TD-318 MKII w/ Grado Signature MCZ

I also have 248,495 miles on my 1988 BMW 325i !!
I still use my beautiful black AT&T rotary phone
I still use my 1973 Panasonic AM/FM "digital" clock radio. The radio is dead, but the clock is a machine!

I drive everything until the wheels fall off and burn. Thinking about a VPI Scoutmaster.