Personal analog evolution

Forgive me if this is repeating an old thread, but an archive search revealed nothing.

Having read a lot here recently about re-entries into analog, requests for comparisons of pretty expensive hardware, etc., I'm curious about the analog evolution many of you have taken over the years.

I have virtually none to speak of:

- my dad had a garrard changer,
- I purchased a BIC belt drive in junior high school,
- Bought a Technics SL20 / Shure M94 into Yamaha receiver when I first got married, and
- Recently moved up to VPI HW19 MKII / RB-600 / Dynavector 20XH into Plinius integrated.

I feel like I've been rescued from an deserted island, but am also sure there are many more improvements I can plan for over time. Curious to see how you all got to where you are now, where you see your system moving towards.


Showing 1 response by jcbtubes

I concur with Rcprince. The WTT was(is) a great table for me, and helped me learn what a table should do.

Pioneer manual, belt-drive (forgot the model)
Technics manual, direct-drive
Oracle Alexandria (poor cartridge choice limited my appreciation of this table)
Mapleknoll(sp) Athena(?) linear tracking/air bearing
WTT Original
WTT Signature (not the Reference)
Basis 2800/Graham 2.2/Nightingale arm-cartridge

The Walker Proscenium has visited my dreams upon occasion, but I'm very happy during waking hours;^)