Personal analog evolution

Forgive me if this is repeating an old thread, but an archive search revealed nothing.

Having read a lot here recently about re-entries into analog, requests for comparisons of pretty expensive hardware, etc., I'm curious about the analog evolution many of you have taken over the years.

I have virtually none to speak of:

- my dad had a garrard changer,
- I purchased a BIC belt drive in junior high school,
- Bought a Technics SL20 / Shure M94 into Yamaha receiver when I first got married, and
- Recently moved up to VPI HW19 MKII / RB-600 / Dynavector 20XH into Plinius integrated.

I feel like I've been rescued from an deserted island, but am also sure there are many more improvements I can plan for over time. Curious to see how you all got to where you are now, where you see your system moving towards.


Showing 1 response by dannylw

BSR something with ceramic cartridge
Dual 1218 with 91ED
BSR710 with Shure m91ed
Pioneer PL 71 with m91 ed, ADC something (excellent cartridge) then Sonus Blue
Teac TN400 ( fabulous table) with Stax UA7 with Sonus Blue then Ortofon M320 Super, Grado Signature, Shure V15 MR, Supex 900 Still have and use the table with most of the catridges

Lin Sondek/Ittok then Valhalla with Supex 900 then Sumiko Blue Point special