Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
I started listening to my fathers MC30, and Heath WM-4, then I had:
Pioneer reciever ca '73
Lux 3035 Reciever
Mitsubishi DA7C
H.H.Scott 299B
Dynaco MKIV (pr monoblocks)
Music Reference RM-9

Future:? I have had the RM-9 as my reference amp for quite some time, I just re-tubed it and it still works fine.....
Would love to look at Airtight or Hoveland.
Solid state to tubes, back to solid state. Been rough matching speakers with all these guys.

"Best Buy" Sony Receiver
Harmon Kardon Receiver
Norh SE-9
Decware Zen Select
Sophia Electric Baby
Cayin TA-30
Arcam Diva A65 Plus
Onix A-120

Also have a Sansui 9090 (~1972) really sounds amazing.
Wow! A short list. A Stromberg-Carlson mono reciever with a wire recorder and 78 turntable (from my grandparents) with great FM reception. Next a Dynaco Stereo 120 Power amp. Last a pair of Kenwood L-07m II's. I have had those for 20+ years and still love em.
Started with tubes, went through some Solid State, now back to mostly tubes. I'm a Packrat, get rid of little, don't upgrade so much as add systems (Bedroom, Basement, Home Theatre, "Listening Room", Living Room, daughter's room = 6 systems)

Pilot (monaural) AF850 in Garrard console (still have in a box somewhere)
Dynaco ST-70 (factory wired, now modified, see below)
McIntosh MA-5100 (still use)
McIntosh MC-240 (girlfriend stole)
Carver ?? (gone, thank god)
Pioneer Elite M-91 (strong & harsh & gone)
Classe CA150 then CA200 (still use)
then the vintage tube bug hit...
Fisher SA-100 (sweet!)
Eico HF-81 (still use)
rebuilt my ST-70 from high school with Alan Kimmel/Welborne mod (still use)
Bottlehead Paramour 2A3 (in process)

looking for a modern small tube amp, but haven't fallen in love with any yet (Jadis? Manley? VTL?)

I spend a lot more on LP's than I do on equipment and have NEVER had a "state of the art" system. But it's certainly easy to revisit my old sound, cuz I still have it somewhere!
Lafayette integrated (a25?)
Marantz 4300 (left it with the ex-wife who promptly got rid of it, among other things)
Adcom 555 I
Golden Tube Audio SE-40
Golden Tube SE-100 (packed away with a shot resistor)
Conrad-Johnson Premier 11A (packed away, makes occasional appearances)
Conrad-Johnson Premier 140 (my mainstay)

These span a 38 year period. The last two are my favorites but they all had/have their areas where they shine and all have very, very good memories associated with them.