Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
After the Sony and Yamaha receivers I started with a used Carver t-1 amplifier. As soon as I graduated college (and got my first real job) I bought a new Rotel 990 upgraded to a McCormack DNA-0.5 which I enjoyed for many years (great amp). Bought a Levinson 331 that really didn't do it for me and decided to make the jump into the world of tubes. After auditioning many amps I ended up with my current amp....Audio Research VT-50 and couldn't be happier.
After a couple of receivers, went thru the following:

CM Labs 912
Dynakit ST-70
Moscode 300
McCormack DNA 0.5 dlx
McCormack DNA 1 Rev. B (my present unit)
Onkyo Intergrated
Onkyo M504
Onkyo M588F
Conrad Johnson P200
Sony N90ES
Muse 300 series II (present).
Sony DA777ES receiver (got full refund after 3 months)
Marantz SR18EX (loved it, but one day, suddenly converted to a 2ch guy)
Sonus Faber Musica (heck, I own Sigs, so why not?)
CJ Premier 11A (gosh, I thought 'this is it!') + FT Audio LW1 passive controller

And now, Berning ZH270 is on its way. Can't wait!