Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.

Showing 2 responses by hhawk

Pioneer SA8100 integrated which I then used the preamp of to drive an used Marantz 1040 power amp. Now have Marantza MA500 power amps. Have also had Pioneer and Technics receivers at various times in the past.h
GE Stereo built to look like component receiver.
Pioneer integrated amp - SA8100 (I have had it since 1975 and can't bear to part with it though it no longer works.)
A couple of different Pioneer receivers (probably a step back in retrospect.)
Marantz 1040 (I think) Amp
Marantz MA500 mono blocks
Parasound HCA-1200
McCormack DNA 0.5