Persona B in a 36 x 27 room?

Is that too much space for the Persona Bs?  I will augment them with two SVS SB4000 subs.  I will drive the Personas with an HK990 integrated amp.  I currently use Tekton Enzo 2.7s and they supply the dynamics and speed, but not the resolution.  My music tastes center around classic rock sprinkled with some classical.  Are the Persona Bs beefy enough for an area that size as I will occasionally turn up the volume?  If you guys are aware of any other monitors (or small floorstanders) that are efficient, fast, resolve well and can fill a 36 x 27 space, I'm all ears.  Thanks.

Showing 1 response by audiotroy

The only monitor that will fill that space properly is atc scm in or legacy calibres which Ara really a compact floorstander

The subs will not take off the bass of the monitors so if you want o play loud  the two speakers  we mentioned will do the job we have a demo pair  of the calibres in white for a great price we also sell the Paradigms so we know them well

Dave and troy