Perry buys Talon Khorus

New review at, Clement Perry trades his VR6s for Khorus in his reference system, says is best he has heard, "near perfect", SOTA. Long detailed review, just for good measure includes Talon "Roc" subwoofer in system. This is follow-up to previous Talon thread, comments from owners or general obsevations .......

Showing 1 response by mitch

I heard the talons with an all solid state front end ( rowland) I was not impressed at all I feel kharma speakers with Lamm are so superior there is no contest Totally uninvoling and a typical dome midrande sound wooly and colored thw wilsons amd kharmas are more dynamic muscial and invovling perhaps it was the roland equipment, Not worth 12k maybe 6k at most even audio physics are better