Perplexed on how single driver speakers can cover such a large Hz range

I googled till I was blue in the face. I've always wondered how in the world the cone of a single driver speaker, with no crossovers, at any given ten thousands of a second, be vibrating a hefy 60Hz and also a sizzling 10 kHz. To me it's like quantum mechanics. I don't understand. I just have to accept.


Showing 1 response by audnacious

Also have to mention  the Walsh driver solution to  keeping the sound coherent across the hz specturm.    Their composite cone is inverted in the cabinet and the sounds rolls off the back of the cone in a 360 degree fashion (they attenuate the back of the speaker sound via sound absorber for better imaging)  .  As the signal from the voice coil travels down the speaker all of the individual hz responses are reproduced and come off the cone in parallel so that the result is a completely coherent line source for the sound (CLS) .    Another advantage of this solution is  a very large sweet spot in the room .