Perpetual Technologies P1,P3, and Monolithic PS

What is the deal with all of these units on Audiogon? I have this setup, and it is by far the best D/A combo I have ever heard for anywhere near the price!! I used to work in the business, and we had a lot of high end gear. The differences between this combo and the high end CD players or DAC's is very miniscule. There are even posts up for all three with a price of $800! This is the bargain of the century! I am wondering if people are using inferior transports, cables, preamps, amplifiers, or what?? If anyone has these units for sale, or have sold these units, please let my know the reasoning.

Showing 1 response by tomryan

I have PT P1&P3 (no Mono PS) and had the WrightMods done to the DAC. They are very revealing and transparent and the DAC can be a bit ruthless by itself. The WrightMods took away all etch, leaness, etc., and the DAC sounds so good it took me 2 weeks to plug the P1 back in after getting it from Dan Wright. It's worth the $450.00 for the complete mod - the new system beats three $2,000.00 - $3,500.00 current Cd players I borrowed to audition.