Perpetual Technologies P1,P3, and Monolithic PS

What is the deal with all of these units on Audiogon? I have this setup, and it is by far the best D/A combo I have ever heard for anywhere near the price!! I used to work in the business, and we had a lot of high end gear. The differences between this combo and the high end CD players or DAC's is very miniscule. There are even posts up for all three with a price of $800! This is the bargain of the century! I am wondering if people are using inferior transports, cables, preamps, amplifiers, or what?? If anyone has these units for sale, or have sold these units, please let my know the reasoning.

Showing 1 response by 914nut

In response to a suggestion from another Audiogoner who has similar equipment, I bought a P-1A D/D, with Monolithic Pwr. Sup., on their money-back trial plan.

I used the unit with my CEC TL-1X/Chord DAC64 combo. Apparently my old ears aren't sufficiently golden, because I couldn't hear an improvement, or at least one that would justify the additional expenditure. So the units were returned.

I also have a Burmester 001 player, and as far as I'm concerned, a comparison of it vs. the CEC/Chord is a toss-up. I'm extremely satisfied with both. (I bought the Burmester after having sent the PT stuff back, so I have no way of knowing if its performance would be improved with the P-1A.)