Perpetual Tech. upsampler does it work?

I've been trying to figure out if the Perpetual Tech. P-1A is worth using with a 24/96 dac from another company...anyone have any experience with this piece?

Showing 1 response by rdr4b

I had the P1A/P3A/P3 Power Supply and the Mystic I2S cable for about 2 months so my conclusion may not be that conclusive -- the Combo does yield more "detail" or "airiness" for some mysterious reason but it loses some of the transient in low-to-mid bass area. Overall, it does change the sound quite a bit but whether anyone likes the changes is a simple matter of personal taste. I personally felt the "upsampled" sound sounds a bit polite and loses some of the warmth but someone else may find the system more spacious.