Perlisten D12 03-00 Error Code


Wondering if any Perlisten D Series subwoofer owners have encountered this error code before "03-00". Subwoofer won't work at all. Turned it on and off multiple times to no avail.

Sent an email to Perlisten and waiting.

Sadly subs are brand new, other one is fine.



Showing 1 response by philzoomer

This dreaded 03-00 came up on my D12s about two weeks into enjoying how great the sub blended into my system.  My D12 came with versions 1.23 and I call perlisten, Erik answered and has been making every effort to fix my sub.  He had my forward to version 1.27.  Did not work.  He sent me a label and Fed Ex shipped to San Mateo where a local dealer is that has a tech who can fix it. 

Erik told me that Perlisten manufacturing in China received a batch of Mosfets that did not meet spec and my D12 may be the issue.  I'm glad I bought a new one with a warranty, even if it is a perlisten
