Perfect Vinyl Forever

I have quite a few LPs that I would like to clean better than with my manual technique.  It is not cost effective for me to buy an Ultrasonic device.  Any experience that can be shared with the mail in service, "PERFECT VINYL FOREVER"?


Showing 4 responses by jw944ts

I was simply asking about the mail in of LPs to the site”Perfect Vinyl Forever” or any other similar service provider 

you responses are appreciated, BUT AGAIN, I am asking not your opinions on various LP cleaning methods, not your personal preferences, not what machine(s) are preferred or Hz levels,  not whether you think the price per LP is reasonable, BUT simply experience with sending LPs to others to have them was the service itself, the results and your overall satisfaction.....thank you


Thank you for answering my simple question!  You are right about this thread....sad!