Perfect Vinyl Forever

I have quite a few LPs that I would like to clean better than with my manual technique.  It is not cost effective for me to buy an Ultrasonic device.  Any experience that can be shared with the mail in service, "PERFECT VINYL FOREVER"?


Showing 4 responses by grk

PVF services cost $8/record for "Archival 3.0 " services, a nine-step process and $5/record for "Archival 2.0" services, a five-step process. I just received my mail-in box and will ship it out this coming Tuesday. I am hoping for the best as some of my records still have pops and other noise in the same spots, even after a cleaning with a KL Audio ultrasonic cleaner at a local record store. I can report back after my records are returned and I play them. I opted for the 3.0 service and flattening for two records.

"Not worth the money or time. That’s what folks are telling you, but you’re not listening."

Apparently someone did not read or comprehend the responses!

"I have used PVF probably a dozen times over the past 5 years. It is an excellent service. Very professional. Never a hiccup. 
I clean my records once with PVF and they don’t need to be cleaned again but for an occasional rinse. If they are handled with care and returned to sleeve right after usage. No need to bother with a home unit I have found. "

Well, I received my sixteen records back from "Perfect Vinyl Forever" and overall I am happy with the results.I requested the 3.2 cleaning process, plus flattening for two records. The records were returned in about twelve days in new sleeves and each sleeve had a sticker that stated the cleaning process used (and flattening) and the date.So far, I have listened to half of the records, before I go out of town.

I was "blown away" by the sonic improvements...greatly increased dynamics, clearer vocals, larger soundstage and (overall) how quiet (between notes) the records sounded. I have never heard records with that degree of "quiet"! I kept thinking that I was listening to master tapes. Some caveats though are that I still was able to hear some occasional ticks, but greatly attenuated. Also, I realized that there was likely some groove damage (from the pressing?) that no amount of cleaning will correct.

The records that were flattened are quite flat!

I am looking forward listening to the remaining records when I return from my trip!

"For the record" ; ), my TT is an Acoustic Signature Hurricane, with a Kuzma 4point9 tonearm and a Hana Umami Red cartridge.

Unfortunately, this thread seems to have gone off the rails with many "responses" that have absolutely nothing to do with @jw944ts original question.

You are welcome @jw944ts and sad indeed! Reading comprehension seems to elude many on this site.