Perfect Speaker Placement - Put next to the back wall as much as possible.


I happen to find an good article about the ideal speaker placement. 
(Easiest version without numbers & formulas that I can’t honestly understand :D)

I’d like to share. 

Personally I find two things interesting.

1) Only use 40% of the room area (38% rule)

2) Put the speaker as close as possible to the back-wall (next to bass trap)

Of course, minor adjustment would be required depending on speakers.
Still, I think this is helpful to figure out the very first step.

Happy listening.

p.s. what should I do with half of the room left... :?

Showing 1 response by b_limo

There has to be some type of program where you rnter your room dimensions and it will give you different speaker placement distances from the front wall in order to tackle specific dips.

Like, if you have a dip at 40hz, thats a 28 foot wavelength so at what speaker location will that wave cancel itself out at...

Room treatments are so huge in the way your setup sounds and once you get used to them theres no going back.  You just want to treat every square inch with absorption or diffusion.
I’ve been enjoying dsp as well.  Its kind of fun.  Its somewhat like changing speakers in and out without changing speakers in and out.  It allows me to still enjoy my high quality speakers but with just a different flavor of sound.

To clarify, you guys are saying that your speakers are 38% into the room and your listening seat is also 38% into the room?  This seems like it would be a nearfield setup in anything less than a 40 foot deep room...